Sitemap - 2022 - God of the Desert Books

7 Reasons This Christian Hippie Became a Zealot Against Jew Hatred

A Hero Is Only As Great As His Villain

The Disappointment of Outgrowing My Favorite Filmmakers

Westerns Are Back and They're Better than Ever

RIP David Mack Swindle

Please, My Jewish Friends: We Desperately Need You Here in America

Good Morning from Western Wishes

How to Survive Living in the Virtual World

Winter at Western Wishes Wednesday

Where No One Had Gone Before

Indifferent to Racist Hate in America, Indifferent to Genocidal Hate in Ukraine

"The Whale" is a deeply moving film

An Emigrant to Israel Gets Tripped Up by His Feelings

Has Working Too Much Online Since 2009 Warped My Worldview Beyond Hope?

Have a Holly, Jolly, Psychedelic Christmas

If Today Is Just December 25 for You, We See You

Remembering My Father's Christmas at War in 1944

What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown

3 Hidden Weapons to Defend the Jewish State

White Christmas

How the Bible Reveals the 3 Types of Antisemites

The Only Kind of Holiday Magic That Counts

Christmas Present

'Black Adam' Reveals the Root Problem in the Superhero Genre

John Hancock, America’s first proto-president

Is Qatar the Most Terrible State in the Middle East? Or Is Iran Worse?

How My Traumas Have So Transformed My Worldview That Many Can't Handle Me At All Anymore

More Evidence Emerging of the KGB's Hand in Killing JFK

The Miracle of the Christmas Snow

How Hanukkah Should Inspire Christians Too

Why I Adore My Catholic Friends' Worldview

Who Goes to Hell?

Even the Smartest Brains Can Become Infected with Antisemitism

Please Give Disney's Greatest Masterpiece, Fantasia, Another Look

The Name Board, or Why I Don't Hate Indiana

The Nativity Story

Why I Have No Animosity Toward Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota (And Don't Regard Them as Part of 'Midwest Culture')

The Graciousness of Grant

Why I Hate Indiana So Much

My Secret Jerusalem Mornings

Christmas Stories

Elon Musk Brings Onboard 'How to Fight Anti-Semitism' Author Bari Weiss to Twitter 2.0

Is Campus Antisemitism So Pervasive It's Now Normal?

5 Wild Surprises About Aging (That Aren't On All the Other Lists)

The Enemy of my Enemy Is Not a Trustworthy Friend

Inside Man: Why Spike Lee's Most Successful Film Is Also His Best

Obsessing Over 'the Left' Sabotages the Fight Against Antisemitism

4 Stupid Reasons People Don't Take Antisemitism as Seriously as They Should

Why Sally Can't Stand the Marx Brothers!

Why Morally Decent People Can't Buy Bitcoin

No, Slate, We Can't Tune Out The Antisemites

Christians Are Supposed to Embrace Suffering

So You Can Dish It Out, Buddy Boy, But Can You Take It?

An Open Letter to Elon Musk Thanking Him for the Correct Decision Shutting Down Neo-Nazi Kanye West

The Final 21 Films To View in Sally's Summer Arthouse Cinema Course

The JFK Conspiracy Theory Which Makes the Most Sense & Why It Matters Today

When & Why Conspiracy Theorists Sometimes Stumble Onto the Truth

Top Near-Death Researcher Sums Up His Findings, Thoughts

My Dignified, Not-at-All-Bratty Struggle With My Fiancé's Mountain Dew Addiction

What Causes Someone to Be an Antisemite?

Lincoln and Empathy

What It Means When the Leader of the Republican Party Dines With THREE Antisemites

Follow-up Report to Observers from Outside Our World

War, Suffering and Media Memory: What do Films & Historians Miss In Our Great Conflicts?

Happy Thanksgiving!

"No, Really - You Guys Go Ahead!" Please!

Dave & Sally Road Trip Across America for the 4th Time

Lenin’s Red Flag

When Your Favorite Power Ranger Kills Himself

Days of Gratitude for November 21st

An Update from the Editorial Team!

A Report to Observers from Outside our World

November Days of Gratitude for November 10

Sally Stumbles Into 'Stranger than Paradise,' an Indie Classic

Join my new subscriber chat

November Days of Gratitude for November 9

November Days of Gratitude for November 8

November Days of Gratitude

Sally Confronts the Mysteries of 'Mulholland Drive'

The Woman Full of Grace

The PTSD Was Winning This Week...

Halloween and Ghost Stories

Sally & Dave Dump on 'Hocus Pocus 2'

5 Forgotten Unforgettable British Actors

Algernon Blackwood's 'The Willows'

The Romanov Sisters and the Tragic Loss of Unique Individuals

How Sally Overcame Her Fears to Love Dogs

Where Do You Stand on 'Cancel Culture' and the Limits of Free Speech?

Sally & Dave Discuss Their Favorite TV Show: 'Shark Tank'

Dave & Sally Reflect On Their '90s Years

Where I Stand on So-Called Transsexual Rights

3 Reasons Why Dave Went Over 'to the Never Trump Dark Side'

Where We Stand On Trans Rights

Video: Puppy Jasmine Exploring New Desert Territory

Sally Asks Dave: "So, Are You Still a Conservative?"

I Like Who I Am Here

Staring into a Little White Disk

My Fiancé Walked the Dog!

How the Scots Enlightened Us

Sally Interviews Dave as His PTSD-Fueled Health Problems Grow Worse

Pearl Harbor in Memory, Myth and Movies

Remembering the Horrors of the Soviet Gulags

Book of the Day: Eshkol Nevo's 'Three Floors Up'

The Healing - A Short Story

On the Beach, I Will Read Plato

Sally Interviews Dave on His Latest Hospital Experience

'Once an Eagle' in Our Woke World

Lincoln, the Declaration of Independence, and continuous improvement

SATIRE: The Insidious Ideology Lurking in a Dr. Seuss Classic

10 Universally Relatable Inconveniences You Can Expect When Your Partner is Hospitalized

Update on our Editor-in-Chief, Part II: The Empire Strikes Back

Knives In

Dave Crashed Into the Cuckoo’s Nest, Part VII

Herbert Hoover, Hero of Belgium

Dave Crashed Into the Cuckoo’s Nest, Part VI

Why I’ve Hesitated Showing Sally my Former Favorite Movie ‘Requiem for a Dream’

The Book of the Day: 'Nothing Sacred: The Truth About Judaism'

Dave Crashed Into the Cuckoo’s Nest, Part V

On National Daughter's Day

Dave Interviews Sally After She Sees the Infamous 'Reservoir Dogs' For the First Time

Book of the Day: "Educated," by Tara Westover

Dave Crashed Into the Cuckoo’s Nest, Part IV

How to Avoid Getting Upset with the News

Hasan-i-Sabah's Heresy, Kabbalah, and Parting with Friends 'For the Love of God'

Dave Crashed Into the Cuckoo’s Nest, Part III

Dave Crashed Into the Cuckoo’s Nest, Part II

The Queen, My Mom, and the Virgin

Sally Interviews Dave on Next Steps In PTSD Recovery

Dave Crashed Into the Cuckoo’s Nest, Part I

The Book of the Day: 'The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers' by Christopher Vogler

Share Your Go-To Comfort Watch!

Sally Interviews Dave About His Week In the Hospital

Book of the Day: "Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family," by Robert Kolker

A Farewell to the Redskins

Book of the Day: David Lynch's 'Catching The Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity'

Saint Margaret's by the Mira

"Why Would God Let All This Happen to Me?!"

Update on our Editor-in-Chief

Book of the Day - "What the Dog Did: Tales from a Formerly Reluctant Dog Owner," by Emily Yoffe

Elegy for a Gel Pen

The California Heat Wave Broke, But ...

Pinocchio? More Like Pi-Nope-io

A Teacher's Saturday

If You Can Keep It

When Sally Met Film Noir

Reaching the Top of the Bridge and Remembering 21 Years Ago

Ok, one more

Jesus Christ Is the Greatest Character of All Time

The 9 Installments So Far in Sally's Summer Arthouse Cinema Course

The Prophet Elijah: 'It Is He Who Carries the Divine Message from Generation to Generation'

'Hasan-i-Sabah': The Final Crown Gem of An Incredible Writing Career

The Book of the Day: 'The Know-it-All' by A.J. Jacobs

A California Heat Wave Poem, or Adjusting to Fall in the Mojave Desert Instead of the Midwest

The Book of the Day: 'Fly Already' Stories By Etgar Keret

Pulling the 'Cosmic Trigger': Reading a Key Excerpt from My Favorite Book

Revealing My Second Ketamine-Inspired Prophetic Revelation

Journey to the Center of Darkness

The Book of the Day: 'Life of a Klansman: A Family History in White Supremacy'

Sally Interviews Dave Before His Third Ketamine Infusion Therapy

The Book of the Day: 'Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires'

With ‘The Rehearsal,’ Nathan Fielder Takes Cringe Comedy to the Next Level

The Book of the Day: 'The Devil in the White City' by Erik Larson

Taking the Heat of the Desert and the Wisdom of the Desert Fathers

Announcing Our New Daily Premium Feature: 'The Book of the Day' Starts Tomorrow

Beginning An Exploration of Jewish Mysticism on Saturday Mornings

What Summer Said

Confronting the Finger of God in 'Twister'

Not Quite 'Bamboozled,' But Certainly Entertained and Appalled

Not Quite Salvation

Encounters with Ketamine

Blues With a Feeling

Why Did My Second Ketamine Infusion Make Me Think About Judaism and Islam?

The Founders’ Fears

The Prophetic Revelation After My First Ketamine Infusion

Interviewing Sally After She Saw 'Citizen Kane' for the First Time

Seeing 'The Interior Life' Through 'The Doors of Perception'

4 Bizarre Experiences That Could Happen After I'm Infused With Ketamine For the First Time Tomorrow

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Is the Best of Star Trek’s Next Generation

Twin Oaks

3 Days to My Ketamine Infusion Therapy...

Poem Written in Youth

We're Starting Premium Content Sooner Than Expected and Your Input Is Requested

Why Sally Despised 'She-Hulk: Attorney-At-Law' So Intensely

To Live Afresh

Is 'Barry Lyndon' Stanley Kubrick's Hidden Gem?

Winston Churchill, with a Little Bit of Luck

Leyla, in the Ruins

What if San Bernardino County Escaped California and Became Its Own State?

Exploring the Fear of Overpopulation in the Original Star Trek Episode “The Mark of Gideon”

'The Character of the Genuine Monk Only Appears When He Is Tempted.'

Don't Miss Hulu's "The Dropout"

Why "Uncut Gems" Feels Like a New Classic

12 Ridiculous Knee-Jerk Reactions I Had to Dave's Ketamine Preparation Regimen

After I Leave

12 Healthy Lifestyle Changes I Need to Make Before Ketamine Therapy Starts in 12 Days

Which Types of Books Should We Publish?

4 Chinese Poems from "The Jade Mountain" and A Christian Meditation on Death

Confessing the Secret Reason Why PTSD Advocacy Will Remain A Pillar of This Publishing Company

Which Subjects Do You Want to Read More?

Benjamin Kerstein is Right: "the Iranian Regime Must be Destroyed"

Video of Me Playing Pundit and Talking Trump & Inflation on the Square Circle Podcast

Avoid the Noid that is Woke

Why We Had to Introduce Our Niece to “The Prince of Egypt”

Finally an Optimistic Day in the PTSD Battle (And What I have to Say About the FBI Raid at Trump's Home)

Two Poems

The Open Road

Serena, Eros

Why Sally Likes "Solar Opposites" More Than "Rick & Morty"

Just How Wretched Are We Humans?

Who Is Your Favorite Female Star Trek Character?

What Kind of Content Should We Increase?

Lightning Woman Danced

Introducing Our Niece to "Inside Out," Pixar's Greatest Film (GOTD Audio Podcast #9)

A Tribute to Nichelle Nichols

The Calm After the Storm, or Trying to Turn the Tide of PTSD

Return To Prague

Storms in the Desert and A Puppy in the Briar Patch

What Works To Pick Up Your Mood?

After Midnight

Exploring the Battle of the Sexes in the Original Star Trek Episode “Spock’s Brain”

Sharon, in the Snow

Trainspotting: An Optimistic Film About Hard Drugs (GOTD Audio Podcast #8)

Beginning Narration of Our Fiction Starting with Tom Cosentino's "The Regulars" (GOTD Audio Podcast 7)

On Letting Myself Be Surprised, or This is Not the Vacation I Was Expecting

Why We Need the Eastern Traditions Too

New Series: How my 25 Years in the Arthouse Cinema Scene Shaped Sally’s Summer Film School (GOTD Audio Podcast 6)


Exploring Envy in the Original Star Trek Episode “Turnabout Intruder”

Introducing Sally's Summer Arthouse Cinema Course As Taught By Me

A Dave's Eye View of Puppy Jasmine Darting Amidst the Mesquite Bushes: GOTD Video Podcast #10

Who are some of your favorite poets?

A High Caliber Jam in A Cathedral of Trees: An Evening with The Luke Winslow-King Band

We Finally Have Air Conditioned Relief From This Desert Hellfire: GOTD Video Podcast #9

A Welcome from the God of the Desert Books Poetry Editor

The Disability Post, or Creating Compassionate Community

Meet Senior Columnist Alec Ott!

Lavinia, Into Mexico

All That Once Was Good

2 Secrets to Imitating Christ? Silence & Solitude (GOTD Audio Podcast 5)

A Saturday Morning Puppy Play Session with Jasmine in the Mesquite Bushes (GOTD Video Podcast 8)

La Jinete

GOTD Audio Podcast Episode 4: PTSD, Robber of Sleep, Does Battle At 1 in the Morning

GOTD Video Podcast Movie Review #1: The Bob's Burgers Movie Wins Big!

GOTD Audio Podcast #3: The Benjamin Kerstein Article That Helped Save My Life Last Fall

The Regulars

Sometimes Enough is Enough, or Diving Deep and Coming Up with Resilience

GOTD Video Podcast #7: Meet the Playful Puppy Jasmine As She Enjoys Her First Desert Morning Walk

Miranda, on a Night of Rain

GOTD Audio Podcast #2: Why So Many Trauma Victims Become Addicted to Alcohol, Opioids, And Other Destructive Drugs

GOTD Video Podcast #6: Perhaps Individualism & Consumerism Are Not the Best Models for Providing Effective Medical Care

GOTD Audio Podcast #1: "The Life These Holy Fathers Lived in the Desert"

NEW FICTION: How Superior is the Supreme Being?

GOTD Video Podcast #5: Teaching Myself How to Write Again After Violent Trauma

7 Calming YouTube Videos I Use To Treat the Damn PTSD

GOTD Video Podcast #4: How PTSD Makes a Misery of the Supermarket

A Shitty Day, or Leaving Room for the Unexpected

Meet Senior Columnist Tom Cosentino!

GOTD Video Podcast 3: Driving Through A Canyon Into Another World

Meet the Managing Editor: Sally Shideler!

GOTD Video Podcast #2: Are Americans Blind to Our Warlike Nature?

The Origins of Our Name: God of The Desert Video Podcast #1

Judeo-Christian Mystical Zionism in Theory & Practice

7 Reasons Why I'm Launching God of The Desert Books...