'You Must Speak the Truths People Do Not Want to Hear!'
A Poem for My Birthday - The Powerful Messages from the Ancient Mystical Spirits
The Wizard consumed his magic potion As His Witch-Wife watched on with apprehension But she in her wisdom knew he would emerge healed and unharmed No matter how scary a vision the always mysterious brew might yield. This Wizard and His Beloved Witch-Wife knew the variety of creatures Who might emerge once the potion was drank Unknown Ghosts who don't know they're dead, Demons who lie, the people of the past lives, And perhaps even Dear Great Great Great Great Aunt Mary Jane, Lusty Teacher of those once enslaved Who knows what might Emerge Next? The Wizard would find out, in a more gentle journey than ever before Almost a disappointment compared to past exhilarations and transformative terrors of the spirit world The Voice Began Telling Him: "You must speak the truths people do not want to hear!" That repeated over and over and over seemingly endlessly. Then the High Priests of Atlantis appeared and spoke with simple clarity To one of their own. The High Priests of Atlantis Tell Me I must speak the truth even if it kills me. "Why" I ask "Because the people must evolve beyond their warlike nature or else all life will be destroyed." "We are in charge and you will do as we say. You must follow your oath and get back to the work we sent you to do." "The evil dark ones must be defeated again. They must pay for what they did to us." "You must confront all liars with the truth of their lies. No one can escape what they have done. All must be punished for their crimes." Then I dare ask: "Who are you?" And they answer in perfect clarity: “We are the spirits of the Priests of Atlantis and you are one of us." I dared to ask: "Why are you doing this?" And they told me of my requirements: "Because you agreed to it long ago. You are doing your duty and following our instructions. That is why you feel so at odds everywhere you go. This is not your world, your world is gone." And then the Wizard awoke and saw his beautiful Witch-Wife watching with sincere love and concern. "Now do you know what you must do?" She asked with a grin, for she already had heard it all before...