Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023Author

Everything you said is correct. This is all a good reason not to use Twitter.

But I will add something. Twitter might have a actual tiny base of actual users comparative to say Facebook...however these users often times wield influence beyond Twitter.

Tweets get re-shared on other social media platforms constantly. They also get turned into click bait articles.

Donald Trump is a perfect example of someone who used Twitter and tweeting to reach a wider audience on social media. In fact the average Trump voters does not look like the demographics of your average Twitter user...at all. Instead his tweets were shared on Facebook constantly where I would argue Trump's viability as an actual serious candidate really took off.

The tweets that are shared on Facebook wether they be from Trump or some other figure are often times short crass snappy statements that lack nuance.

Twitter feuds and drama get talked about on YouTube as well. It has an outsized influence did a not very regularly used platform. This makes it intensely hard to actually make a profit off the thing. Many people who don't even regularly use Twitter make a profit off of selling Twitter drama to more popular platforms.

I am sure that you are not looking to grow your own media platform using Twitter drama, therefore Twitter is useless to you.

As I said before overall it's just so clearly a bad thing in so many ways it's almost ridiculous.

It seems to have rotted Elon Musk's brain. As he clearly due to the platform feels no need to actually make a coherent point. He just wants to meme and stir the pot, and it seems like Twitter is good at that.

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Very well said and right on the money, Kenny!

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