I also relate to this. Born in 1981. Most of my life I just assumed I was gen X, but then reading the actual definition a few people put the last year of gen X at 1981, but most put that as the first Millennial year.

As I have aged I have embraced more of my millennial characteristics, but still feel like I fall more on the gen X side of things.

Xennials in particular have a very interesting connection to very specific cartoons and video games from their youth, I have found, and they are somewhat unique to Xennials.

I think you are onto something with the 5-year changes in categorization.

Another issue I have with the whole generational theory is that Baby Boomers generation is based on actual birth trends and lasts longer that the generations after it. X, Millennial and Z just get fifteen years that arbitrarily end with no reasoning. Boomers start and end with the actual "baby boom".

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Thanks so much for your great thoughts and subscription, Kenny. I've long appreciated your Facebook posts and comments and look forward to your take on what we publish. Don't be surprised if at some point I do a post responding to some smart thing you say or another. And if you ever want to submit something for publication feel free to email me anytime.

Yeah, you are born right at the cusp so it would make a lot of sense that you feel even more Xer than I do!

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