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Is this satire? Because if you're writing in Cheney whatever please let me know so I can block you. No, I have no sense of humor.

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Who should I vote for instead?

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You're breaking my heart. BLOCKED!

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Reagan was a white racist repeating the old tired-out ‘Southern Strategy.’

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I see no evidence of that.

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During his 1980 presidential campaign, Ronald Reagan used the slogan "Let's make America Great again." The suburbs were growing, and greed was seen as good. Today, he is romanticized by pundits. However, Reagan supported Barry Goldwater for president in 1964 and opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In 1966, Reagan stormed out of a meeting with the National Negro Republican Assembly when confronted on his record.

Reagan took cues from Lee Atwater, who was the mastermind behind the Southern strategy. In 1981, Atwater said, "when you can't say nigger ... nigger, just run on the same policies and Blacks get hurt worse than whites" - a strategy that Republicans still use today.

Reagan knew his audience and frequently used racially coded language, such as when he spoke about the welfare queen. Reagan also supported apartheid South Africa and vetoed a bill in 1986 that would have placed economic sanctions on the country. However, Congress overruled his veto. Reagan showed very little respect for people of African descent, both in America and across the African continent.

In 1971, during a private conversation with Nixon, Reagan referred to African delegates to the UN as "monkeys" and said they were "still uncomfortable wearing shoes!" Nixon laughed.

Reagan usually relegated Black people to subordinate roles, although there was one exception, Samuel Riley Pierce, who served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1981 to 1989. During Pierce's tenure, the budget authorizations for HUD were slashed by 78%, which led to a surge in homelessness. Pierce's legacy was tainted by political scandals and allegations of influence peddling. His staff reported that he often watched TV in his office rather than dealing with bureaucratic conflicts and rarely worked beyond 5 pm.

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Yeah, I've heard critiques like this before and understand where you're coming from. Reagan was a National Review-style William F. Buckley Jr. libertarian-conservative anti-Communist.

And was this movement wrong on the Civil Rights Movement? Yes.

Were they wrong to ally with Southern Segregationists as part of the Cold War coalition? Yes.

I've read the writings from these guys during that period - terrible stuff.

Do these failings mean that all the men involved in the movement including WFB and Reagan should/could most accurately be described as racists? I think that's going a bit far and not taking in the whole picture of the men, how they changed over time, and the broader complexity of it.

I mean, technically, Abraham Lincoln was a racist. But is it really all that accurate/useful to boil him down to that oversimplification.

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Zionists gonna be Zionists, i.e. people who murder "non believers" per their religion.

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Appropriate handle.

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