Excellent.  thank you. In another aspect that is seldom talked about on the right  and is ironically, tragic for the left is the fact that the transgender movement has supplanted the feminist movement. We spent decades, creating safe spaces for women, such as domestic, violence, shelters, and rape shelters. Now, a man can enter by threat of law since the 1950s we’ve tried to communicate that being a woman was more than wearing high heels dresses and lipstick. And now you want us to believe that that is all it takes to be a woman. 
I realized that I did not give proper credit to Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire as a source for many ideas and arguments explored and distilled in my above article. I wanted to give him that credit.
Excellent.  thank you. In another aspect that is seldom talked about on the right  and is ironically, tragic for the left is the fact that the transgender movement has supplanted the feminist movement. We spent decades, creating safe spaces for women, such as domestic, violence, shelters, and rape shelters. Now, a man can enter by threat of law since the 1950s we’ve tried to communicate that being a woman was more than wearing high heels dresses and lipstick. And now you want us to believe that that is all it takes to be a woman. 
I realized that I did not give proper credit to Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire as a source for many ideas and arguments explored and distilled in my above article. I wanted to give him that credit.
Perhaps it would help if you got more specific. What do you know that I don't that refutes my argument(s)?