Since you are not a Jew but you are a Zionist why don’t you give part of your country for the project of setting up a Jewish state? Why ask Palestinians to pay the price for European and American antisemitism?

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You are proposing that I should support dismantling Israel as it has existed for 75 years and then rebuilding it somewhere in America?

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No, I am simply pointing out the racism that is baked in your position. I don’t see a single line on the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians that was necessary to set up your β€œJewish State” in a land that was 93% Arab in 1917. Israel has been sabotaging the Two State solution and now has made it impossible.

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I'm sorry but Israel did not do any ethnic cleansing. You're confused about history from all the antisemitic propaganda and misinformation that has circulated for generations.

And Israel hasn't been sabotaging the 2-state solution. The Palestinians have made clear that they don't want it. They want to destroy Israel more. And you are making clear that you support that objective.

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Here are the five books I have read on the Israel Palestine Issue.

1. The Fateful Traingle by Noam Chomsky.

2. Image and Reality of the Israel Palestine Conflict by Norman Finkelstein.

3. Beyond Chutzpah by Norman Finkelstein.

4. The Invention of the Land of Israel by Shlomo Sand.

5. Ten Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappe.

All of these people are scholars and all of them are of Jewish heritage. Sand and Pappe are Israelis.

Now please let us know which books you have consulted before forming your opinion.

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I'm sorry but none of those authors are reliable sources of information. And Chomsky and Finkelstein in particular are evil antisemites, self-hating Jews, and terrorism apologists.

I haven't merely "formed an opinion." I am a professional Zionist activist and have been for over a decade. I write about this stuff full-time. My friends and colleagues live in Israel. This isn't a mere "opinion." I don't want Hamas slaughtering my Jewish friends who live there. Don't make the mistake of thinking I don't know what I'm talking about.

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You are just an ignorant racist jerk who fantasizes that his rants are wisdom because he writes about it β€œ full time”! Read a book.

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