Folx, we know each other pretty well by now, I think. So I guess it's time you knew what I'm up to when our Editor-in-Chief konks out for the night.
It's like I'm living a whole secret life.
In fact, I'm doing it right now:
Midnights (With Apologies to Taylor Swift):
Late, midnight alone time -
so late that it's tomorrow.
Against the coming hours' light
and wakefulness I borrow.
My love is finally asleep.
No worries line that sculpted brow.
I listen fondly as he snores,
grateful for his peace right now.
I make a snack, I read, I write,
following my inspiration;
I watch a movie or I draw
without justification.
I don't crave time without them, quite -
I do crave time alone.
There's no managing, no worrying
When my time is my own.
And this companion, midnight,
never needs to be considered.
Daytime is for making progress,
but by midnight I'm delivered.
I sleep at three, or sometimes four;
I'm usually up by nine.
I love to share my days with them
but these midnights are mine.