This Black Keys Music Video Is So Simple and So Effective
"Lonely Boy" has really become one of my absolute favorites and I have no idea why!
So yesterday
for his Mike’s Music Morning feature did a fun blend of the White Stripes and the Black Keys. Check it out if you missed it:So I thought it was a good excuse to share this particular music video which I’ve found myself dancing along to an embarrassing number of times:
And that’s it. A guy who was apparently an extra on what was planned as a much more elaborate music video instead gets the whole video to himself. And for some reason it just works really, really well. Enjoy!
And don’t forget to check out our previous installments in this ongoing series of music recommendations and best-of debates:
Who Is Generation X's Greatest Black Musician? Here's My Vote
Generation X's Greatest Black Musician? Rihanna, In My Humble Opinion.
Why Rap & Country Are So Challenging and Why I Much Prefer Tupac Shakur to Will Smith
These 2 Hypnotic Sitar Albums Saved Me Last Night as the PTSD Demons Struck Back
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A big thanks for this video!
I love this song. And, dude has moves like Kilgore.