Photo by Channel 82 on Unsplash
In solemn white upon a hill
Against a veil of Virgin blue
Stands a gothic church of wood
Not drawn from the forest near
That hovers closer day by day
Until just barely kept at bay
Allowing church and faith to stay.
Inside again are white and blue
On ceiling, walls and Mary's garb.
There's stations of the cross, of course,
And holy altar draws the eye.
The statues are like uncles, aunts
Who loved to hear our treble chants
When we were held in God's romance.
Many steps down and across the road
A rambling graveyard gently slopes
To flora free along the edge
Of a silver Mira moving slow.
Far along that untamed shore
Cry of a loon opens a door
To make me wonder if there's more.
With dates of death a century
And decades more ago, the oldest
Stones with letters worn do lean
And sometimes topple. Far later stones
Are straight and tall. And here he lies,
Sent with many tears and sighs
And fondest hope he'll one day rise.
For aught that I did leave untried
My dearest brother please forgive.
But you'd have liked we brought you here
Where one in Keltic mist did raise
Anointed hand to bless and store
Your bones with all so blessed before
To lie not far from lovely shore.
To lie with others that have gone,
To stare with eyes that are no more
Not at the church nor Mira's flow
But into endless sky for aye.
Ah bones from which the souls had fled
Did overhear the prayers we said
With calm indifference of the dead.