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In regards to how Biden is handling the war. It's the same as Ukraine if you asked people to break down the different aspects of the policy, it would be popular but then you attach Biden's name to it then you get a lower approval.

I would assume it would be the same under a Republican president, with maybe even more polarization. Partisan politics in the US is getting to the point where there is no consensus whatsoever and the only consensus is that if the opposite party is doing something you disapprove of it without thought.

That kind of glosses over the inconvenient fact for Biden that he actually lost support amongst Democrats for his position on Israel, for showing empathy to Israelis after the Hamas Attack I guess. Granted most middle of the road establishment Democrats side with Biden and it's difficult to see any mainstream(establishment faction) US liberal politician doing anything much differently than Biden. However there is an unrepresented leftist voting bloc that Democrats have used to win elections.

It's depressing all around, the state of things.

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