Please Think About What You Are Doing Before You Encourage an Assassination
It's evil and it goes both ways.
At first it started as a joke. “Next time, don’t miss.” I saw all kinds of jokes like this all over social media. In one of the more noteworthy cases, Kyle Gass expressed it as a birthday wish during a concert with Jack Black in Australia. (And to give him credit, Black renounced the incident and even canceled the rest of his band’s tour in response.)
Then I started seeing videos of people justifying killing of former President Trump. In one example going around social media (I am purposely not linking the video), a woman explains why it is acceptable to kill Trump because of her interpretation of his immigration policies. Basically, he’s evil and will cause others’ deaths; therefore, he deserves death.
Not only is this obviously evil to wish death upon another, this woman is encouraging the killing of political opponents in our country.
Wishing death on your opponents goes both ways.
Does this woman realize that there are people who will feel the same way about the Democrat Presidential candidate, which now appears to be Kamala Harris? One of her opponents could also, in the same twisted way, declare that she’s evil because she supports the death of others. This sorry soul could then conclude, just as Trump’s shooter decided, that she too should be killed. If, God-forbid, there’s an assassination attempt on Harris, will this lady complain if the “other side” jokes or rejoices about it? She shouldn’t because she’s already encouraged such thinking. It cannot be confined to just your side of things. It’s out there.
You cannot make an evil act good by doing it for a good cause.
Yet, some justify killing Trump by equating him to Hitler. If you are about to make such an argument, imagine yourself speaking to an audience of the families of the six million Jews who were killed by Hitler. Explain to them how Trump is the same as Hitler. Frankly, it’s supremely ignorant and insulting to our collective intelligence.
You may think you are in the right, and that the “other side” is evil. But that’s also what some on the “other side” think about you and your side. Please think about this before you say such evil things. It will come back to haunt you.
Try instead to follow Christ’s command to love our enemies as well as our friends. What a wonderful world this would be, if we all did that.
Great post.