Oct 29, 2023Liked by David Swindle 🟦, Kenny H

Well, I am with you, I may be a gentile but Fuck Antisemitism has been my lifelong motto, I am 73. I am definitely more liberal than you but certainly a Zionist.

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I am a Gentile too. Thank you for your encouragement and liberal Zionists are very much appreciated too! 🤗

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Apr 17Liked by David Swindle 🟦

I’m a lot like you when it comes to just about everything you’ve said here. Fuck antisemitism! Right on. Good read friend.

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Thank you very much for your kindness and support. Glad others can relate. If you have any ideas for other things that you'd like to see me write about then please let me know.

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The isolationist foreign policy you hate was largely a response to perceived failure of Iraq and later Afghanistan wars. The people you admire like the guys over at PJMedia all cut their teeth on a full throttle defense of the Bush Doctrine in the 00s. Time is ripe for a revival, a full throated defense of the idea of democratic interventionism by a coalition of the willing in 2025. Unapologetic Bush/Cheney/McCain foreign policy meets second term Obama on domestic issues. I guess this is the space Jennifer Rubin occupies at the Post, but you could a psychedelic spin on it. Start an article on how justified we were to overthrow Hussein and how the only mistake was not have enough boots on the ground initially for the occupation. Second article on the value of looking at some of the long neglected ideas proposed by Project for a New American Century 25 years ago. Third, on the overarching need for overthrowing fascism by force the whole world over: Islamic fascism, Russian fascism, Chinese fascism, North Korean fascism, Venezuelan fascism, and finally MAGA fascism in USA and Eurofascism in France, Hungary and elsewhere. It’s going to take a lot of money and a lot of boots on the ground. You could write a fourth article recommending offering citizenship to able bodied men across the world willing to fight for freedom. My final recommendation: each of these articles should be written after ingesting large amounts of psyilosibin!

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I'm not so sure I agree with your first point. The paleo-conservative approach of Pat Buchanan and paleo-libertarian approach of Ron Paul seem to be efforts to revive the pre-Cold War ideas of "the Old Right" and thus pre-existed the Iraq war. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Right_(United_States)

I appreciate your ideas and encouragement -- even if I am not entirely sure if you are being satirical -- but not so sure the Bush Doctrine approach is the way to defeat the Axis of Genocide. I tend to regard espionage efforts as much more effective and preferable to "boots on the ground." Regarding the current conflict with Russia/Iran/China more in Cold War terms rather than in War on Terror terms seems more appropriate to me.

These days I tend to use/recommend Amanita Muscaria rather than psilocybin. It's much easier to control the dosage, not as intense while still getting the job done, and one doesn't have to deal with the anxiety of breaking the law to get it.

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