Smart analysis. I like both Jew-Hate and Anti-Semitism as descriptors. Your distinction makes so much sense.

I also agree that shining a light on bad actors is the best way forward. And for many, highlighting behaviors, attitudes, and actions that demonstrate individual Jew-Hate in its active, collective Anti-Semitic meme.

Great post!!!

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Thank you so much for your encouragement! I'm so glad you liked this one, Matt.

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I'm glad that you compare and contrast these subjects., for, whichever social group might be their object--genuine distaste should be distinguished from intense dislike (and even hatred).

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Important article with an important distinction.

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So glad this one resonated with you!

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Thanks for this important article, my friend

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Thank you for your support and encouragement!

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Antisemitism includes a belief that Jews are an obstacle to the redemption of humanity and must be eliminated, which makes it far more dangerous than a mere hatred or prejudice.

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Excellent piece, my friend! Powerfully put. And thanks for the mention!

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As you may remember, I have always admired your fight against antisemitism.

And you’re probably well aware that this does not keep me from challenging you on issues with which I disagree.

I gave careful thought to “your logic“ for why you think there’s a difference between Jew hate and antisemitism.

You made a valiant effort to be convincing. But I have to say that you seem to fit into the camp of those who believe they have a good ability to be logical, but, in reality, have no such ability.

On the rare occasions that I’ve told someone about their inability to be a reasonably logical, it was not to hurt them but to help them.

I don’t know if any of them have accepted this truth about themselves, but at least I’ve done my part. People need to stick with their strengths.

Your argument shows the distinctions that you see, but does not make an adequate argument for a real difference.

Simply providing your own definitions for words is not a reasonable way to argue that these definitions are connected to reality in the world.

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Well, thanks for sharing your opinion, Bob.

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Jan 5
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Having had many exchanges with Bob about my articles it does make sense to me why he would have an interpretation like this and it further makes sense to me that it would not be worthwhile for me to attempt to dissuade him of his opinion. 😉

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