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Dave, while I agree that *most* of the crypto out there is junk, I do believe that two classes of crypto are potentially useful:

1. Crypto that has some sort of utility built in, like ethereum or any number of tokens that are basically "airline miles" or "coupons" for some sort of decentralized project or community (assuming the utility itself has value, and crypto is the best way to realize that value); and

2. Bitcoin specifically, exactly because it is so "wasteful." I was converted on this point a few months ago after reading The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous, which I recommend. (Some of his more florid claims can be discounted, such as that a sound currency will bring about a moral revolution across the world.)

Also, it is easier to track crypto payments nowadays than I think many people realize, and unless the Aussies are incompetent, they probably know more than they are letting on.

But back to the immediate point: let's find the paymasters and drone-strike them, shall we?

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