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I'm not a narcissist, Ted. Narcissists worship themselves and I worship the God of Israel. Narcissists are obsessed with themselves and their own little careers. I'm not a careerist. If I was then I'd have become a Trumper.

If all you're going to do is hide behind a pseudonym and troll me and the other writers who contribute here then you can find somewhere else to amuse yourself. It's really not appreciated or helpful at all this point.

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The only article I've forwarded to you was this one today and I did so because I thought you'd like it since it's so anti-Putin! https://godofthedesert.substack.com/p/indifferent-to-racist-hate-in-america

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Sending you a link in a FB message isn't the same as forwarding an article.

I'm obviously not creating an echo chamber here as it's clear how many voices there are here who don't agree with me. And one of those voices I invited was you. I encouraged you to voice your disagreement and you chose not to take me up on it. Perhaps because you now realize that what I was criticizing - contemporary Indiana culture at large - isn't at all the subject of your writing, which is Indiana HISTORY. Culture and history aren't at all the same subject.

You're an incredibly talented and gifted writer, Ted. I'm just trying to provoke you to write something bigger. Your historical writings on Indiana roads and school houses are great and I don't begrudge you for them, but you're very much capable of much, much more and I think you know it.

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