An Open Letter to Our Left-Wing Friends Regarding the Election
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To My Dear Friend,
I'm not going to try and explain to you why Trump won.
There are a myriad of factors, and trying to isolate a single one over the others reveals more about the ideology of the one making the argument than about the truth of the matter.
I'm not going to try and explain to you why Trump winning is not an apocalypse.
You don't want to hear that. I know. So any effort by me to rationally argue the point would be futile, particularly as you're so worried and upset about what the future holds for our country and the world.
There will be a lot of bad policy, a lot of poisoned culture, and a lot of greater chaos and uncertainty on the global stage. Your worries are not unjustified. They're just - perhaps - a bit more intense than they need to be. And your feelings might cool a bit if you were to learn more about the extent of what the president can and cannot accomplish, no matter how hard he wants it.
And I'm certainly not going to tell you about how to deal with this intense sadness you feel now.
Do what you have to do.
No, wait, I am going to encourage you to smoke more weed. Aim for Sativas in particular and go to the beach or something. Seriously. Get some sun; pet a dog … you'll get better.
So what, then, is there to try and explain that you'd be willing to hear and that might actually be of some use as you're in this moment of reflection about the future of this country and all our lives?
Are you ready to learn the truth about Donald John Trump?
What is the true, root secret for why he is such a repulsive person, yet is idolized by so many? This is a man who has built great towers all over the world, and now he - once again, incredibly - possesses power over the greatest country on the planet?
I am not joking here; I am not being satirical. This is the God's honest truth of what I've concluded after having to think about, analyze, and write about this man too much:
Trump is demonically possessed.
There are dark spirits, symbolized in the Judeo-Christian tradition as these horn-headed red men who torment us, who have taken full-blown control of Trump's mind and body.
When you sell your soul to gain first wealth, then endless sex, then power, and finally, the ultimate role of power available in the Western world, then what actually happens is that demons flood into your body and take control of all your actions.
Your soul is gone.
The Linda Blair-style Exorcist demonic possessions certainly happen, don't get me wrong. And the Catholics are very good about knowing how to deal with this variety: not that they aren't knowledgeable about other forms of it, but this is a specialty they have had a long time to develop.
Now, I know a lot of you are secular. You don't believe in such things, and find the very idea childish and silly. That's OK. I am not trying to prove something to you here, I'm just telling it you the truth whether you want to hear it or not. If you don’t want to believe me, then that’s your prerogative. Go learn a bit more about demons and their role in myth and culture for the last 5000 years, and then we'll talk - after you're up to speed on what mystics have known about this stuff since the beginning of time.
Demonic spirits wander the earth, often traveling together in huge herds. When you become aware of that, then a whole lot of the weirdness and cruelty and chaos of human existence makes a lot more sense. Ancient and medieval people weren't actually wrong about everything.
Anyway, whether or not you find my explanation of Trump's intense level of evil and high success plausible, let's just pretend and consider for a moment now in a fictional context.
If Trump were, in fact, possessed by one or more supernatural entities, would that not be cause for great alarm?
My friends, being run by demonically-possessed, morally repugnant people is the status quo throughout the world, throughout history broadly, and certainly throughout American history.
Learn about the actual list of American presidents and who they were as men and what they did with their lives. Most of them are unfamiliar and forgettable because they were terrible. We don't get them in heavy dosages as kids when we receive our servings of patriotic propaganda.
Most of the time leaders in general are terrible. Leaders such as Trump are in many ways the norm throughout history. Think about it: A big man with a beautiful woman and a tall tower calls on others to worship him. It's a very old story; indeed, it's the original story. That's what humanity has been since pre-history, since we were proto-humans.
Big man, big leader, protect tribe big, bring big food.
That's all this election was. During the last eight months were you thinking this was about seemingly common-sense questions to ask oneself, like “Who is the better person?” and “Whose policies will make the whole world better?” It turns out that these are far and away minority approaches to voting. The independent and/or apathetic middle that decides elections doesn't think that way.
They just want to put food on the table and to feel safe. Everything else is secondary and largely irrelevant to how they FEEL. The sphere of reason lies above the sphere of emotion, and few among humans really reach above into it very often. They’re afraid of burning their fingers.
But by all means, continue to try and rationally argue your positions. Perhaps you may even persuade a few, here and there.
Or maybe the demons are far more powerful and far more numerous, and this is basically the way it has been for all of human civilization. The earth is a playground for demonic spirits to chew on the souls of sad humans and purchase those of the ignorant.
Come now, is this really such an irrational, absurd, satirical explanation for not just Trump, but really, all of history?
Most of the time deeply evil people end up ruling. People like you cannot fathom that this is because people usually want that. It does you credit not to understand, but this drive to seek protection by the most brutal among us is built into us at the hunter-gatherer stage of our existence.
I'm sorry! I guess I did end up offering an explanation of the election that reflects my own admittedly absurd political-occult biases. And sometimes my "civilization is largely created and ruled by fuckin' evil people, darkness is everywhere, get used to it" sentiment is most definitely unwelcome.
So let me conclude with something I hope is much more affirming:
You're right to recognize Trump as a genuinely evil human being. Now, if you can see this evil and begin to start to process it, to understand it, where else might you start to see the demons creeping behind people's eyes? Is there one looking back at you across the office, across the train or the dinner table - or perhaps even in the mirror?
deep sympathies for your plight,
P.S. Don’t forget your medicine so you can perceive all this with much greater clarity and compassion:
Canitbe that the answer is canibis?
Haven’t seen you in awhile. I would have pegged you as the sort of person who would have been favorably persuaded by the Liz Cheney endorsement.