Thanks for the laugh. Ibis is now the word of the week. 😏

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You’re welcome. Laughter is powerful medicine, or so Thoth claims. These spells may also help as we are dealing with the demon-possessed souls in the White House: https://open.substack.com/pub/godofthedesert/p/11-effective-ways-to-repel-the-dark?r=14q4c&utm_medium=ios

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Whatever it takes to cleanse the WH and get our country back.

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The Gods can be real rude. But I appreciate knowing more fully where the ibis heads are coming from.

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Even though I’m thoroughly on the other side of this and totally excited about all of it, especially the β€œanti-vax” guy, I found this to be the most delightful article I’ve encountered in weeks. Props. Sincerely, humble student of Set.

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This is illiberal rubbish! Biden brought your country to the brink of disaster. Wasted billions of dollars. Gave billions to hamas and ensured Israel could not wipe out the evil hamas.

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I was not a supporter of Biden or Harris largely because of their terrible foreign policy. But Trump’s problems are totally disqualifying too. The Democrats are too pro-Iran. And now the Republicans are too pro-Russia and pro-China. I didn’t vote for either.

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