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The Muslim Brotherhood, founded on March 22, 1928, was responsible for introducing modern Islamism. This was achieved through their Secret Apparatus, which can be seen as a deceptive tactic; with a relatively moderate public face known as the General Apparatus and a hidden extremist militia called the Secret Apparatus. Since 1951, the organization has been using doublespeak to maintain this facade, with one side promoting democratic values while the other preaches extremism and terrorism.

However, it has always been clear that the role is primarily focused on public relations and perpetuating the myth that the Secret Apparatus is no longer active

—when, in reality, it continues to operate. Both the public and hidden factions are united by Banna's concept of permanent jihad, which allows illegal and criminal activities to take place under the guise of religious duty.

This deception also extends to their claim of giving up violence in favor of legitimate politics - in reality, they simply continue their jihadist activities under different banners. Giving up force would mean dismantling the entire organization, as it is central to its legitimacy and purpose.

The Secret Apparatus has a strategy of infiltration to deceive their enemies. They have a unit dedicated to gathering intelligence by "infiltrating and internally subverting" various influential groups such as political parties, militaries, intelligence agencies, media outlets, educational institutions, governmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations. The main focus of this campaign is the Egyptian government, but they also target other institutions like charitable organizations, Egypt's Communist Party, and al-Azhar University.

As you read these words, shivers should run down your spine. Do you remember the horrors of November 7th? Listen closely to this: al-Azhar University, a powerful force in the spread of the Muslim Brotherhood, promotes a twisted ideology that justifies inflicting harm on those who do not share their beliefs. They condone killing apostates and cannibalizing them, as well as slaughtering non-Muslims without regard for age or gender. The thought of such brutality should send chills through your entire being.

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