7 Calming YouTube Videos I Use To Treat the Damn PTSD
I appreciate the creators of these meditation videos, music, and comedy so much for aiding my treatment
So with the PTSD, I am largely on an endless quest to find tools to help me calm down and avoid the panic attacks and hyperarousal episodes which now haunt me on an almost daily basis.
So almost all the time I’m now having on videos and music to keep me grounded. Here are seven which have become regulars in my rotation, sometimes multiple of these will be playing at once on different devices:
The Archangel Michael
2. The Archangel Metatron
Perhaps part of why these videos have resonated with me so much is because angels have been such a major theme of the novel I’ve worked on for years and they play an important role in my mystical practice.
3. Attract Positivity
4. Heal While You Sleep and Wake Up Happy
5. The angel Nina Simone
Listening to this Nina Simone performance on repeat has given me so much comfort over the last eight months and turned me into a huge fan of her music. This box set - which I’ll blog about more in depth soon - has provided even more joy when I most needed it.
6. The Prophet George Carlin
I’ve also discovered the healing power of laughter over the course of this PTSD journey and in this regard George Carlin was the 20th century’s great doctor. This bit above is my favorite of all his HBO stand-up specials (all of which I’ve now watched way too many times.) It’s given me so much comfort to really recognize and accept that the reason so many people failed me in helping me respond to the violence inflicted on me is because the public in general just sucks. Most people suck. Most people are terrible. Nowadays I just operate assuming that about 80-90% of the people I bump into on the street or encounter online are going to be possessed of a narcissism, greed, fear, and ignorance so profound that I have to just brace myself for it.
There’s a positive side to this “cynical” view of humanity I’ve developed though: that I regard 80-90% of my fellow Americans, my fellow Christians, as deeply troubled and broken - that isn’t an indictment of my country or my faith. It’s simply an indictment on being human. This country and this religion aren’t broken. People are broken.
7. Third Eye Activation
Anybody have any music, comedy, or meditation videos they like? Please share in the comments and I’ll round up some of the best for a follow-up post.